Mini Indulgences


Photo: Hartness House Bed & Breakfast, Springfield VT

A few years ago I remember a friend telling me that she had a date night with herself once a week. She’d have a great glass of wine, paint her toenails, read a great book, wash her hair or just veg out. I loved the concept so I started having – insert drum roll here – a date night with myself! It was my time to refresh, replenish or just relax after a long week. I didn’t invite anyone over or along for the date. Just me, myself and I. To add to my self indulgence, one of my cousins coined the phrase “out with myself” vs. “by myself.”

But time gets away, things happen and we change. Fast forward a few years and I can’t remember the last time I had an intentional date night with myself. Last week I found myself running – figuratively and literally – from one thing to the next. I realized that I’d forgotten about one of life’s most precious indulgences: time with me!

I’ve turned over a new leaf and moving forward I want to spend more time with me. More time reading great books. More time having an occasional dinner WITH myself. It’s such a mini indulgence – such a seemingly simple thing to do. But why don’t we commit to doing it more often? Most recently I met someone who told me she does not like to be alone or do things alone. Have we become afraid of our own inner voice? Our own presence?

Do you ever do things with yourself? Does that sound strange to say? What would need to happen for you to make more time for you? Can you commit to this practice once a week or a month? What special thing will you do for yourself with yourself?


  • July 5, 2012

    So.Entirely.Necessary! So glad you’re taking so much “me” time!

  • July 3, 2012

    A fantastic concept! I cherish my time with myself and am protective of it.

  • July 3, 2012

    I love hanging out with myself. I have a date with myself every Friday night for just an hour before I go grocery shopping…immediately after work to blow off a little steam…Love it!

  • July 2, 2012

    This rings loudly true with me. I too would carve out a fraction of time to be with “me” but as with life, you become “caught up” and forget that having that one on one with yourself is not just a want but a great need. I do believe that some of us are afraid of being in our own presence but we must not be afraid but embrace it. We may find that some of the concerns or worries that plague us daily could be wiped away after some reflection. In a week, I will be forced to spend more time with myself and my thoughts. I welcome it as I think I have lost focus of some goals that are important to me and the person I am growing into. I simply need to be still without the deadlines, emails, phone calls and meetings. I need a pen, some paper, soulful music and cool vibes. I simply need ME!


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