These Things I Despise


I really try to remain open-minded and respect the varied perspectives and lifestyles of the people I meet and interact with. I believe that this fosters a great deal of acceptance and – in some cases – mere tolerance, even when our viewpoints conflict. BUT there are a couple of things that I have no tolerance or patience or any semblance of acceptance of. One is people who litter – I despise anyone who thinks that there are too busy to find a place to dump their trash or who believe that it is someone’s job to pick up their trash. And today it was solidified that I have similar feelings towards anyone who lacks passion or pursuit towards any cause beyond their four walls.

This semester I am taking a course entitled The Church’s Response to Children in Poverty. I am not taking this class because the topic is of any significantly special interest, but because it is being taught by one of the top theologians in the country – one who also happens to be retiring after this semester. Today he showed the class A Place at the Table. I was a ball of tears the entire time! Although I don’t feel that it is my gift to work with small children, I was deeply saddened by the lack of response from some politicians as portrayed in the film, the ranking of America in regards to hunger and poverty and what I fear will continue to be a lack of care of concern for impoverished and hungry communities.

I began to think about my social circles and the many, many people I have crossed paths with over the years. And today I can firmly say – with great passion and conviction – that I have NO tolerance for anyone who fails to see any purpose for life other than to fulfill their own desires. I have no respect for persons who fail to find it in their hearts to give to those who have no capacity to say “thank you” or return the favor. I have absolutely no desire to fellowship with those who do not see our individual gifts and blessings as our contribution to the world and seek ways to share it/them as such.

I am – by no means – suggesting that we all quit our jobs and volunteer at the soup kitchen all day. Nor am I suggesting that it is an easy task to identify exactly what our passions are and what tugs at our hearts. But I am saying that it is an utter shame to never question, never seek, never long for what it is that you can contribute to making this world a better place to live.


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