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Will Never Do This AGAIN!!!

small victories

Last year I finished a 2-year graduate program in order to obtain a 2nd master’s degree. This year as I celebrate the completion of the 1st year of my doctorate program, I have been reflecting on things I wish I’d done differently last year. Here are the 7 things I wish I’d done after the completion of that program.

Needless to say, these are mistakes that I made and will not make again! My cohort and I ended the first year or our doctorate program with both lunch and dinner outings. I’ve consolidated my work schedule for the summer to allow for a 3 and a half day work week. I haven’t signed up for any new projects or assignments. And finally, I’ve spent the last 2 weeks celebrating … celebrating finishing classes; celebrating submitting finals; celebrating each “A” that has rolled in; and celebrating summer. Lesson learned. Point well-taken. I am celebrating me and my journey, along with all the BIG and small accomplishments along the way.

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