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Tomorrow marks exactly two weeks since I sat down with one of my classmates for lunch. As we discussed wrapping up the end of the semester, completing finals and looking forward to our summers, we also talked about our health. One of the things he said to me was that his New Year’s resolution has been to put his physical health first; no matter what homework was due he would prioritize getting in a workout. For two weeks I have thought about this statement. More so than not, I have thought about my approach being just the opposite: for two years no matter what, I finished my homework and prepared for class first and often in excess; my physical health has often come last.

Fortunately I had already thought through much of this prior to our lunch outing. I’d already thought about how my weight had slowly crept back up over the last two years and how clothes that I bought last fall no longer fit the same. I’d already thought about making this summer one committed to me first without all the crazy commitments of extra internships, teaching, summer school, dog sitting and whatever else flooded my plate last summer. I’d already thought that here and now, I needed to do something different. So I did.

May 1st marked the beginning of what I am not calling #90days2wellness – 3 months of privileging my health in such a way that I refocus and recommit to healthy habits that I can sustain once school resumes in the fall. For the first time in a long time, I prepped my meals for the week, including all snacks. I wrote down my workout schedule. I got on the scale to assess my baseline weight:-O. For the first time in a long time, I put my physical health first.

This prioritization has not come without juggling other responsibilities. I am still teaching a Maymester course this summer. I still have an internship that requires volunteer hours. I am still working a part time, contract position. I am still taking an online class in the latter part of the summer. AND I am still nudging at my dissertation. But the difference is that my health is now first! Most of my days during these last 2 weeks have consisted of beginning the morning with writing a little towards my dissertation (my other leading priority) followed by a morning workout. Just two weeks in and I am already feeling better.

To my friends who have said, “…but you are working on your doctorate” I say yes, I am and yes these last two years have been insane, but my doctorate or anything I want to do with it are no good without my health. I read this blog post on today and affirmed that while I have no plans of quitting before finishing, I do not intend to finish at the expense of my physical health and mental sanity. #90days2wellness

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