Site icon SabrinaTCherry

What Is It Worth?


Many of my posts have been focused on my time in school and my journey towards my professional development. More times than not I am 100% committed to my journey and am usually unfazed by things that are going on which don’t contribute to my success. BUT this weekend I felt a heart tug :-(. Many of my former classmates from high school gathered for a collective reunion of sorts. Looking at all the pictures on Facebook brought back so many memories … times of limited responsibility, carefree living, and seemingly unrestricted freedom. My heart longed to be there – with my former classmates – reminiscing, laughing, and celebrating. Instead, I have spent the bulk of the day unable to fully partake in the GORGEOUS fall weather as I edit publications, finish contract work, and prepare a midterm. That has been my Saturday. Yes, I could have gone home, but the work that would have needed to be done once I returned would have appeared to be triple in comparison to what I can do at a reasonable pace over the course of the weekend. Today I was reminded of the sacrifice I’ve made and continue to make in pursuit of my dream profession. Today I was reminded that one day it will all be worth it.

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