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The Journey to Chapter 40

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I had not thought about my last year in my 30s until a friend mentioned it during my birthday celebration. I then started reflecting – as I often do around my birthday – on my life, lessons learned, and my desires for the years ahead. So in honor of my last year in my 30s and as a celebration of this leg of my journey, I am: 1) recommitting to regular blogging; and 2) creating a series of reflection posts for the next 11 months. I hope you’ll read along :-).

My life has taken some interesting twists and turns over the last 39 years. I have seen and done things I never imagined and I truly feel not only am I am living my best life, but there are so many exciting ventures ahead! I don’t have any anxiety or angst about turning 40; I welcome it (not that any hesitancy would stop it from happening :-)). I don’t feel the weight of any huge life regrets or could-have, would-have, should-haves. My life has been filled with its share of turmoil, but I am grateful for every opportunity, every lesson, every heartbreak, every love voyage, every friend, every shift, every turn, and every realization.

Over the next few months I will be sharing more about my hometown and upbringing; family and friends; my undergraduate college years and time in the Peace Corps; graduate school and finding my professional home; major life changes in my early 30s; returning to school; and a few posts about my life now. I hope you’ll follow my posts and comment. I hope at least one of them will inspire you or encourage you to think about aspects of your own life that have been central to the person you are today. And if you enjoy what you’re reading, I hope you’ll share my blog. I’ll be back soon :-)!

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