
this one life ...

Ironically, one of my first posts about my semester abroad features the quote included in this post by poet Mary Oliver. She transitioned the next day.

Today is my fourth day of five months (at a minimum :-)) that I will be in the United Kingdom! On every single day I have been here, I’ve been in disbelief and awe – in the most beautiful ways – about the possibilities of this experience. Planning for this experience began during the fall semester. When I was first approached about the opportunity, I had two questions. After they were answered favorably – LOL – I thought “why not”. As the months passed and planning continued, I vacillated between being completely overwhelmed because of the hurricane and its aftermath and utter,  uncontrollable excitement! The last few weeks were probably the most unpredictable – from a flurry of preparatory things to what seemed like an endless stream of wonderful outings with friends and family. What I realized was that I didn’t have to do everything at once … nor could I and life is better for me with lists :-). I completed my to do items, made all the contacts I needed to, prepared for the online course I would teach, and tidied up a few loose ends. BUT I also realized how much of an amazing circle of friends and family I have.  Not one moment went by when I didn’t feel loved and that I would be missed. From coffee/tea meet-ups, to lunches, dinners, and near-all-night outs, my friends came through! We laughed. We talked. We planned for their visits. We took pictures. We hugged. We said our “see you laters” and I was off.

After about 12 hours of travel, including one short layover and a 3-hour train ride, I arrived at my destination. A colleague met me to take me for a short tour, grab a bite to eat, show me where I would be living, and check into my temporary spot until my home is ready. Wednesday was a bit of a blur, but also a wonderful introduction to my new city. Thursday started with a peaceful, seaside walk to work followed by back to back meetings and more introductions. I was beat by the time I got home. Friday was my first full rainy and windy day here. I went back to campus for more meetings, but was done earlier than expected. And then today … today was a beautifully full day with a side of emotions. Today it finally hit me that I am here and life continues to be amazing! I started out with a city center and market tour, followed by coffee and girl chat, then a light hike to the beach and some beautiful scenery, followed by dinner + brew at a local pub. My heart is full! In just a few days here I feel:

  • Even more grateful for my academic home – it is because of the support and encouragement I receive that I am able to be here
  • Grateful to have been introduced to Mike Dooley and Abraham Hicks whose teachings consistently remind me to be intentional, visualize, BELIEVE, and not sweat the details about how things will happen
  • Eager to share my experience with my students, as well as family and friends
  • Grateful for loving friends and family
  • Welcoming of loving experiences
  • Gratitude for time in a different space and at a different pace
  • Excited about what this experience will bring
  • Hopeful about the doors that will open as a result of this experience.

Stay tuned … I hope to share regular updates during my time here. Until then “Cheers” :-)! #BreeTakesTheUK


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