

GoalsI have several journals – at this time I have about five in various places around my home and office. I use them all! They serve different purposes and are of different sizes and quality. Yesterday, I thumbed through one of my larger journals. I started this particular one when I was preparing to relocate for work. I was amazed at how consistently I wrote work related goals, dreams, ideas, lists, and contemplations. Page after page after page included daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly goals. I have word clouds and other graphics depicting how my goals overlapped and were intertwined. I wrote lists of people who could help me achieve my goals and even how I would celebrate meeting these marks. I have to admit that looking back on these entries shocked me. I was – and am in many ways – overzealous about meeting my professional goals. This commitment has paid off. I am extremely happy in my career. I love my job and the opportunities, as well as the lifestyle, afforded through it. Yesterday I contemplated what changes I would witness in my life if I retained this same exact commitment to my finances and savings goals; to my fitness and wellness goals; … to my walk with God and spiritual goals. What if every single day I focused on #GoalsForGod? What if I had daily, weekly, quarterly and yearly goals for intimate time with God, worship, service, and tithing? What if I created and re-evaluated a circle of people who can help me in my #GoalsForGod? I have oodles of journal entries about my professional aspirations; what if I gave that same submission and dedication and zeal to my life in Christ?

*I have been abroad for a little over two months now. I came here with very specific goals; strengthening my relationship with God was not on the list – just being honest. However, this renewed relationship has been the GREATEST and most impactful gift I could have received during this time. I have tried so many other things in my life seeking complete joy and satisfaction. I think this is the first time in my life I have committed 100% to exploring a life lived fully in faith, as best as I can, in every way I can, every day I can. I hope you will read along during the journey.*


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