Re-Blog from After the Altar Call: Kelly Gissendaner Will Be Executed Tomorrow Without Our Intervention…
Editor’s Note: This is a previous post from earlier this year. Kelly Gissendaner’s life was spared in March, but she is scheduled to be executed tomorrow unless we act. To find out more about Kelly Gissendaner, please read the blog
Need a Perk?
I know - you get it - I am back in school! My schedule is crazy and sometimes I feel like I am barely holding on in re anything beyond school, class prep, home life, and work. Needless to say,
2 Weeks In …
... My summer started off a little insanely. Just me being a little overambitious and a lot overzealous left me stretched in more places than I care to recall, tired, frustrated and stressed out! After a serious self-check and relinquishing a
Reflections of a Soulful Summer
In the beginning it seemed like I had so much time – 3 whole months!!! And now that classes begin in just 8 days I am wondering if my summer lived in my dreams. It did! May began with a bang
At the Same D*&! Time
It’s funny how words of wisdom seem to crawl out from out secret spaces as we move through adulthood. I often find myself thinking of things my mom, aunts, close friends and other family members shared with me while growing
We’re Growing
3 years seems like forever ago – but it was during that time that I finally committed to creating Carter’s Blog Corner and just a year later that the concept of Crazy, Sexy Wellness (CSW) came about. It would take
Not An Easy Choice … But A Necessary One
I love the quote pictured above! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve talked with people about pursuing their dreams and they’ve said things like: “after the children start high school” or “at the end of the year” or
Repost: An open letter to pastors (A non-mom speaks about Mother’s Day)
This is a re-post from: Time-Warp Wife. As we prepare for Mother's Day and the celebration of all the ways in which many women mother, I hope we also remain sensitive to those who have lost their moms and mother
For Carter … Our Story of Infant Loss and Healing
Each year I wonder if this year will be the year that I share our story; almost every anniversary/birthdate, almost every Mother’s Day and several sentimental moments in between I stop and ask “Am I ready?” This year I finally