Site icon SabrinaTCherry

The Toughest Job …

Last week I joined 4 other Returned Peace Corps Volunteers on a panel to share our experiences, along with a few words of support and encouragement, to prospective volunteers. It was during that time that I was reminded of how much of an amazing experience serving as a volunteer was. I’d like to use this week’s post as a recap.

My experience as a Peace Corps volunteer:

Obviously people travel and live abroad every day, but I stand by my affirmation that there is NO other experience quite like living in the community, learning the language, eating the food of your host family for 2+ years. To me, very few experiences compare to VOLUNTEERING to live without many of the conveniences of life here in the U.S. For me, Peace Corps was a life-changing experience that has cultivated the way I now view myself, America, The Gambia and so much of the world. How far are you willing to go???

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