This Marriage Is …


On Saturday, I joined many others in celebrating the nuptials of a very dear friend. Not only was I honored to be an intimate part of the wedding experience, I am overjoyed for my friend.

My happiness/joy is not limited to the fact that she is an amazingly, wonderful woman; a woman of great character and integrity; a hard worker and noble community member. She gives of her time and talents almost effortlessly, juggling multiple commitments – but always honoring her word (which I value greatly). I wasn’t overjoyed exclusively because I’ve gotten to know her husband and respect him – as a man who not only loves his wife, but adores her, seeks to protect and provide for her and make her happy in every way imaginable. I was and am elated because I see two amazing people who are forces to be reckoned with as individuals, so I cannot begin to imagine what they will accomplish together. Yes, this was and remains the core source of my joy!

A few months ago I was talking with an unofficial mentor about the subject and my perspective on the purpose of marriage. I explained to her that for me, a marriage has to be about more than love, it has to be about a divine, shared purpose and mission. I know how much my emotions fluctuate within the course of a day, so to base a lifelong decision on emotion alone just doesn’t make sense to me (although it may to everyone else ~ I’m okay with that J). She replied “that’s a tall order for a marriage,” but for me there are no other alternatives.

Saturday was one of the happiest days of my life – to be a part of such a beautiful wedding, but also to see two people joined together in divine purpose and positioning. I am so excited about all that is to come from their union. This post is dedicated to the Andrews J.


  • January 15, 2013

    Thanks so much. Love you! I am learning that we are much more together and God can use us in a greater capacity as a union than as individuals.


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