Well … Me



When I woke up this morning my day just felt a little different. I wasn’t sure why or what was going on … nothing special planned and no idea why or how I arrived at work an hour early. But it turned out to be one of the best me-days I could have.

About a month or two ago I went a little wicked with purchasing Groupons. Most of them were/are for health related and/or fitness services and classes. And most were things I’d never tried before. So today was my very first acupuncture appointment. At some point I realized I was in a wellness zone and before I left for my appointment, I noticed that I had several wellness visits scheduled, including my 6-month dental cleaning and annual physical. I scheduled my spa visit with one of my favorite women in the world and begun making preparation for my upcoming birthday with a few other pampering appointments. To top all this off, I realized that tomorrow is the one year anniversary of Carter’s Corner (!!!) and exactly 4 weeks and 2 days before my birthday … 4 weeks and 4 days before a very, very, very special trip. So yes, today was a very special day.

My first acupuncture visit was amazing! Although I was a little nervous and ambivalent about anticipated pain, I was so relaxed during my visit that I actually fell asleep several times on the table. My body was a little sore from the weekend’s workout schedule so I knew I wanted to try to squeeze in a yoga session afterwards. Not only was I able to make it to yoga, but I made it to the 45-minute meditation prelude.

Needless to say, my day and my evening were amazing!!! I feel renewed, rejuvenated and relaxed. I feel refocused, centered and satisfied. I feel well. I feel whole. I feel … me.


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