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(Re)Build My Life

I heard Build My Life sung by Amanda Lindsey Cook of Bethel Music for the first time while in the UK. “I will build my life upon your love. It is a strong foundation. I will put my trust in you alone and I will not be shaken.” How powerful is that!

As I started to pack up and prepare for my transition back to the US, I started praying that God would rebuild my life at home. Over the course of my 6 months abroad, I’d developed a lot of healthy practices and rituals I wanted to retain. I was getting in some sort of physical activity every day. I got 7-8 hours of sleep every night. I attended church every Sunday. I started and ended each day with prayer and devotion. I ate basic, whole foods with very few exceptions. I was no longer drinking alcohol and intentionally choosing what I listened to and what I watched. Most days were filled with listening to Christian music or sermons. (By force) I limited social media and email time. These were things I wanted to hold on to for dear life. But I also knew I was coming back to some familiar spaces and relationships. How could I transport the positive changes I’d made (or GOD had made through me) from the UK to home, while also allowing God to do a new thing in me?

My daily prayer became God, rebuild my life. Rebuild my relationships. Rebuild my schedule. Rebuild my routines. Rebuild how I find and create joy. I wanted God to help me create a new life in an “old” place.

The funny thing about our prayers is that we never know how (or if) God will answer them. We never know what it will take to see our desires through. I didn’t know what to expect but I KNEW I needed God to do a new thing. Two weeks after my return, life is shifting and being remolded. I’m grateful! I’ve spent the bulk of my time with family and close friends. I’ve remained active. I’ve remained intentional about my time, as well as what I watch, what I listen to, where I go, and who I’m with. I have submitted all I have and all I am; I freely assert that I never want to go back to the life I was living. So yes God, rebuild my life. Take anything away that is not like you, distracts me from your purpose for my life, or inconsistently focuses on the person I was versus who I’m trying to become. Rebuild my life. Rebuild my life. Rebuild my life.


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