No WiFi – No Problem

Wifi Photo

On January 3, 2020 Spectrum (formerly Time Warner Cable) disconnected my in-home WiFi. They didn’t just randomly do this – I requested it. I wanted it. I longed for it. I felt like I needed it. If you’d asked me a year ago if I could live without in-home WiFi, my answer would have been a resounding “NO!” But my time in the U.K. showed me that not only is it possible, it may actually be good for my health. I won’t rehash what I discovered while having limited access to WiFi and living abroad – you can read more of that here – what I will explain is why I felt led to do it when I am now back at home and what this month has been like. 

I believe I am in a season of stillness. My natural tendency is to go and plan … to strive and hustle. But I believe God is calling me to press pause for a bit. I have been trying to actively live into this. My one word for this year is steward, so this practice has also included stewarding my time. I’ve pulled back from some commitments, tried to avoid over-committing, and embraced having evenings and weekends without plans. But as many of you know, being still does not always mean being silent. There have been times when I am at home and I don’t have plans, but my thoughts are drowned by background noise from the TV or radio.

In this season I am actively practicing stillness and silence. Now, before your mind wanders too far, I do have a cell phone :-). This means I can still listen to music, sermons, and podcasts via my phone and with the use of a portable speaker. A week ago I was so eager to see a movie (War Room) that I watched it on my tiny little iPhone 8 *insert shrug*. My cell phone also has hotspot capabilities, so if I really need to do something on my laptop or iPad I can connect without needing to go to the local coffee shop (there are two within 1 mile of my home – another reason I was comfortable with this trial). Otherwise, it’s just been me, my thoughts, the Lord’s promptings, and occasional audio stimulation by way of music or messages. 

It has been amazing! As a natural bookworm, I have more time to read. Y’all should know by now that I also enjoy writing so I’ve spent more time on a few writing projects. I pray more. I sleep more (in a healthy way). I feel more rested, more calm, and overall more clear. 

So while I can’t recreate the four mile round-trip walk to and from work I had last spring, I can create spaces where there isn’t as much noise. My commitment is no WiFi for 6-months, at which time I plan to reassess and adjust if needed. So far, things are going well. Stay tuned :-

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