CHOOSE Joy in Slowing Down

Hello World and Happy November!

I can’t believe we are so close to the end of 2022 – what a year it has been! And I also can’t believe how utterly exhausted I feel. Not only has 2022 been quite the year, but the last five years since I moved to Wilmington and started the tenure-track; the last 10 years since I went back to school and transitioned to academia; and the last 15 years since moving back to the east coast to start a new chapter.

I’ve had a lot of movement, a lot of shifts, a lot of love, a lot of loss, a lot of achievement, a lot of goals, a lot of success, a lot of defeat. And I am tired.

So as we near the end of this year, but perhaps for many seasons to come, I am embracing slowing down.

I am embracing calmer, quieter moments where I lay in bed just a little longer to listen to the birds and watch the squirrels do what they do. I am embracing working until the work – my work – is done – versus finding new projects to start that send me on a path of endless movement. I am embracing quiet evenings in my home with a movie and glass of wine or fellowship with a small group of friends at a venue of our choice. I am embracing more travel, more peace, more ease, more joy, and more pleasure. And I am embracing folks who I believe were divinely sent to journey along with me in this season.

I am slowing the pace. I am taking time to not only “smell the roses” but plant and cultivate a few of my own. And as we near the holiday season, I am welcoming love in all the abundant and fulfilling ways I can.

In this season, I am choosing to SLOW DOWN. What does the year-end look like for you? What new practices are you cultivating?


  • November 8, 2022

    YESSSSS, my Dear. I join with you in this Season of Rest and Restoration. I am also learning new ways to REST.

  • November 8, 2022

    Great (and timely) reminder – as always Brina! While reading your post I kept asking myself, “how do we slow down”? My mind and schedule feels like it’s running a marathon with no slow down in site. Then it dawned on me after reading the words “choose” over and over in your post – that we choose it. And so my end of year will reflect me slowing down in my own schedule and also slowing down in all my roles….saying no to something’s and knowing that’s okay and saying some yes’ to that which refuels me and feeds my spirit.

  • November 7, 2022
    Crystal Tribbett

    Nice, I felt that.

      • November 8, 2022

        Once again you have given me something to ponder on. I came to the conclusion that it takes energy for me to rest. A kind of energy that I am not always conscious of. The energy to pull myself away from all that excites and feeds my flesh requires energy. It is a constant struggle that I want to win. Rest is ordained by God. When I use the energy to pull myself into rest it is so rewarding.
        Thanks Sunshine, sending you a warm hug.

          • November 8, 2022

            YESSSSS, my Dear. I join with you in this Season of Rest and Restoration. I am also learning new ways to REST.

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