Style Series Part VII: Owning this Season of My Life

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash
While this blog series is coming to an end, I have one more month of my semester-long challenge to #WearMySh?!. Y’all, the journey has been fun! For the natural fashion and style peeps, coordinating every day and special occasion wear may be as natural as breathing. For me, it takes extra effort. I have all the things – hence, my hashtag – but in the past, I have put little effort into ensuring I wore ALL my clothes, accessories, shoes, outerwear … all the things. And even much less effort in wearing these items in different ways.
This semester I have leaned into rotating my clothing, mixing and matching variations, and making sure I wore EVERYTHING at least once. And while I have a few tanks I haven’t made it to just yet, I am – overall – proud of the ways in which I have shown up for MYSELF this semester.
Playing with my clothes and make-up has been fun. It has definitely led to increased confidence as I have been out and about. And an unintended, but much-welcomed, bonus has been the compliments from my colleagues, students and other random people I encounter on campus, as well as other places I have visited.

Photo by Autumn Goodman
It truly has been a blast!
And although this series has been about my venture into playing with clothes, I do wonder what you CAN or are doing to infuse more FUN into your life. More play. More creativity. In what ways have you or can you do something seemingly frivolous that helps you feel even better on any given day? In what ways can YOU say “Yes, I am showing up for ME in intentional, meaningful, DELIGHTFUL, and joy-filled ways.”
Until next time …