My (Academic) Year of NO
And while this notion originally felt so good in my spirit, I know this extreme response leaves NO room for awe, wonder and amazement. So instead I am saying NO to any and every thing, person and place that does
Post-Birthday Reflections: 40 Something and Beyond
I’ve learned A LOT through these 40-something years of life. I’m grateful that I’ve loved so much more than I’ve lost. I’m so incredibly thankful for the people in my life at this exact moment and extend gratitude to those
In the Stillness: Thoughts on Coming Home to Me
These moments - moments of waiting and longing and uncertainty - can feel so painful in the present. Yet, I know they are necessary. They stretch me. They push me to new heights. I am grateful.
All Good Things Take Time …
Time. This priceless commodity we sometimes squander, can never replace, and often long for more of. Time. This space that allows us to create special memories, to know and love another, to be more attuned, as well as in
March Love Notes Part II: Even when you know …
On today and every other day I encourage myself to begin again. I acknowledge my shortcomings of yesterday. I accept all the ways I fall short today. And again, and again, and again … I begin again *even when I
March Love Notes Part I: 5 Ways to Know When Something (or Someone) Isn’t for You?
WHAT is keeping me here? If you’re like me, it can be quite confusing and even disheartening to see a situation, agreement, commitment working for so many others but not working for you. When this happens, I often ask what
Hello World! Happy 2023 & February!
This year, I’m embracing the art of LESS. I’m doing less of what I feel I should be doing and more of what I love doing
CHOOSE Joy in Gratitude
As this year comes to a close and like many of you, I am thinking about 2023. I am thinking about the one to two words I will focus on. I am thinking about relationships and habits I won’t carry
CHOOSE Joy in Slowing Down
I've had a lot of movement, a lot of shifts, a lot of love, a lot of loss, a lot of achievement, a lot of goals, a lot of success, a lot of defeat. And I am tired.
CHOOSE Joy in Platonic Relationships
On today and everyday, I am celebrating my platonic friends. I hope you'll join me in recognizing the beautiful blessing in FRIENDS. Yes, we get to experience love in all sorts of wonderful ways. Let's not take our friends for