It’s My Birthday … and What Happened at the Party!!!
I met a few friends out this weekend to celebrate my birthday. When I arrived at the venue I noticed that the event was being held in two separate rooms, which I assumed were adjoining. As I walked the corridor
Repost: Michelle Alexander on Recent Shootings and What We Are Called to Do
Last week was an extremely challenging week on a number of levels. As I continue to process my own thoughts and embrace longings for love to prevail and supersede the hate that is deeply ingrained in our country, I share this commentary by Michelle Alexander
What Have I Been Eating?
I’d planned to blog today about what I have been eating during my raw food detox, but woke up today to somber news about Alton Sterling. I’ve wrestled much of the day with my sentiments about the incident and the
Finale: My Experience with dHerbs’s 20 Day Full Body Cleanse – 2 Weeks Post Detox
This is week 2 post my dHerbs detox and although not my final post about my health and wellness journey, this will be my final post about subsequent lifestyle changes I have made because of it. My post for last
Part II: My Experience with dHerbs’s 20 Day Full Body Cleanse – 1 Week Post Detox
It’s been exactly one week since my dHerbs 20 day detox ended. As mentioned in my previous post, I postponed my long awaited cheat meal to figure out how I’d like to proceed in re my eating habits and overall
My Experience with dHerbs’s 20 Day Full Body Cleanse
I won’t bore you with you the program details, so please go here to read more about the dHerbs 20 day full body detox. As previously mentioned, after putting so much energy into school during these last two years I am
If I Could Tell Everyone These Two Things …
I LOVE Super Soul Sunday and watch it as often as I can. As I was binge watching this past Sunday, I couldn't help but write two quotes. I'd like to share them with you and I hope they are as
Tomorrow marks exactly two weeks since I sat down with one of my classmates for lunch. As we discussed wrapping up the end of the semester, completing finals and looking forward to our summers, we also talked about our health.
Change Is In the Air: Prince, Lemonade and the End of Coursework
A lot has happened over the last two weeks. As many across the world mourned the death of Prince, I sat closely watching with awe at how many lives he touched through his art, philanthropy and mentorship. He was such a
I Made It!
The closest analogy that I can give to someone outside of academia of the doctoral comprehensive exam is that it closely resembles the bar exam for law school graduates and the Boards exam for med school graduates. A student’s performance