Birthday Thoughts
Each year I take a pause before, on or shortly after my birthday to reflect on the blessings of celebrating another year, as well as where I've been, where I am and where I hope I am headed. This year
Lessons in Love
I've had a love letter in my heart for much of the week. Perhaps it’s the series of events and shifting occurring in my own life at this time as I approach another milestone birthday. A bit of it may
For Maya
Like so many others across the globe, I have spent the latter part of this week mourning the death of Dr. Maya Angelou. And like so many others around the world, I join the plethora of people who have written
Sunday Musings Part III: Gossip Mill
This post has been on my mind and in my heart for a long time!!! The infamous gossip mill … those negative and slanderous conversations that seem to seep into the corners of all our mouths about another. Whether in
Running in Circles
I started my weekend by celebrating with the people that I have spent a great deal of the last two years of my life with – my classmates. We had an amazing time and by the looks of the smiles
Writing to Wellness
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about writing … how much to write, when to write, who am I writing to, who is reading what I am writing, will I ever get paid to write … should I keep writing.
Alla My Stuff
I read this poem by Ntozake Shange last week in class. Each time I reread it, it brings forth a different reality for me
Simply Thankful
It can be easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the next best thing or what tomorrow, next week, next month or next year will bring. But I am working on living in the present and