My Journey Continues



me after The Color Run

For my fellow bloggers, you may be able to relate in reference to how difficult it can be to write openly and honestly … to reveal without hesitation. With that said, I continue to press through this series.

As previously mentioned, I started my formal fitness activity regimen when I was in the 9th grade. The following year I opted for cheerleading – doing things that are fun is a common theme for me when it comes to physical activity. Since that time, I am usually doing something – yoga, walking, dancing … something. But when I stop I really stop. I mean rrrrreeeeaaaaallllyyy. And when I revisited my journey I realized that – unfortunately – it usually takes me about a year to get my mind and body back in the zone to start a routine again. I need not tell you that a lot can happen in one year.

So at the beginning of this year I hit my one year mark. There I was over 200 pounds – almost 220 – and not feeling my best. 2012 was a tough year for me and even with me going back to school, something that excites me like nothing else, I found it difficult to consistently get back into my groove. But I was determined to get it together.

The New Year brought with it a 3-week fast. I really focused on getting my mind, heart and body in shape … I needed a total make-over. I was so out of shape that even my minute workout routine felt like a lot: 15 minutes of gentle yoga 3 days a week and a commitment to take the stairs at work and home (about 6 flights one way in both locations). After about 3 weeks, I was able to complete a 30 minute yoga session and I found a wonderful Zumba class on campus. Another 2 or 3 weeks later, I found out about a West African dance class … my world was beginning to change! Simultaneously, I’d bought a NutriBullet and had begun blending at least one meal a day. Breakfast consisted of a standard serving of nuts, fruit and coffee and dinner was a hearty 2-3 servings of vegetables, beans and an additional whole grain. I started logging all my meals and snacks on MyFitness Pal. By the end of February I was in to a good groove and could finally see the results. It was also around this time that I started doing Bikram (hot) yoga. One additional step was rejoining a gym. This opened up a whole new range of workout options.

It’s been about 3 and a half months now. I try to workout 5-6 days a week and give myself a full day for rest and recovery. My routine consists of a variety of different classes and activities, including casual ways to sneak in workouts during my workday. On any given week, I have the options of spin, body pump, Zumba, Bikram, West African dance, and/or gentle yoga at home or in the gym. I just found a group that does yoga in the park on Saturdays throughout the summer and I am stoked :-).

I am working earnestly to recognize my patterns and do things differently this time. Last weekend I walked/ran my very first 5k! It was amazing!!! I am signed up for 3 more. I know this is a journey and I am committed to it. My hope is that I don’t have to get so far off track again before snapping back in to it. Wish me luck :-).


  • December 27, 2013
  • April 12, 2013

    AMAZING!!! this is super inspirational. i’m DYING to do a color/mud/zombie?? run!! hahah


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