Hello October: New Seasons + New Opportunities = New Blessings


It has been three and a half months since I moved and two full months since I’ve been on campus. Time is flying! There are so many wonderful and challenging aspects of my transition; here is a short recap.

The best news is today I sit and am grateful for what this new season of my life brings. I can’t say enough how different things are – the pace of the city, demographics, and options for recreational activities – but my time here has brought with it a unique set of adventures. For the first time in my life, my circle extends well beyond my age group. I’ve found great joy in welcoming people into my space who are decades or even generations away from me, but a delight nonetheless. I’ve spent more time close to natural bodies of water. The beaches and riverfront here are beautiful! I’ve done well by making it to one or both at least once a week and found these experiences calming and refreshing. Although I am still struggling with some of my new normal, I veg out a lot more now. After the hustle and bustle of work and school for the last five years it is nice to come home and do … nothing! I’ve enjoyed this down time and reminded myself this week that it is completely okay to allow myself to rest and recharge as much as needed. It has been so long since I have been able to do this that it feels strange. I enjoy my own company in a new way. I think this revelation may be challenging for some people in my life, but I am learning to embrace the occasional solitude of my evenings and weekends. I indulge in quiet mornings when I can look out the window and enjoy some calm before the work day begins. I welcome evenings when I am cell phone free and able to simply relax without the constant movement of conversation. Even as I sometimes wrestle with the quietness, I am slowly moving to a space where I am enough. While I have always been a hard worker, I am learning to create a balance when I give what I have and when I retreat. The extent of what I have to give is generous so I am also embracing my capacity to authentically be me without feeling the need to diminish or undermine my gifts while also acknowledging how much I can realistically do within a day, a week, or even a month. For this revelation, I am grateful.

And then there are those areas where I am not doing as well :-(. Since work began, I struggle to maintain a realistic exercise routine. My eating habits have become shaky with one snack too many and much more eating out. I snooze a little more than I should in the morning :-). I am working on these things; slowly, but surely I hope to transition to a space where my work-life balance is more consistent with ongoing self-care. In the meantime, I remain thankful that I am here. I am happy. My heart sings. I am full of joy <3.


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