On Becoming a Better Me …

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An excerpt from last month’s post:

And then there are those areas where I am not doing as well :-(. Since work began, I struggle to maintain a realistic exercise routine. My eating habits have become shaky with one snack too many and much more eating out. I snooze a little more than I should in the morning :-). I am working on these things; slowly, but surely I hope to transition to a space where my work-life balance is more consistent with ongoing self-care. In the meantime, I remain thankful that I am here. I am happy. My heart sings. I am full of joy <3.

In an effort to celebrate the small victories and make a public proclamation in hopes of holding myself accountable, I am sharing an update. For exactly two weeks I have added another layer to the creation of my new life: I finally got my butt in gear related to my health and wellness! Two weeks ago I saw a dietitian to get assistance on a detailed eating plan – my visit was the launch I needed to make some significant shifts in my eating habits. A few days later, I went out for a bike ride – which I hadn’t done in over a month – and the next day I started boot camp. For the last 14 days I’ve followed a detailed eating plan and done some form of exercise every single day. Last Thursday I started practicing yoga … once again … as a way to help me create some quiet time and get some deep stretching in after cardio. The scale is slowly creeping in the right direction, but more importantly I feel amazing! I’ve slept better, I have more energy throughout the day, and I have a different level of internal joy. From experience, I know this is because I am taking care of myself and reaping the benefits of a healthy diet alongside regular physical activity. I guess I’d love to make it through boot camp with a little less pain or take an advanced yoga class and be able to hold every pose, but I am patient with myself. Otherwise, I don’t have any major fitness related goals – simply to be better each day than I was before. Stay tuned :-).

Here is to investing in becoming a better me.


  • November 18, 2017

    One step at a time, soror! So glad you’re committed to self-care 🙂


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