May Bonus Post: It’s a Devotion … Priming YOUR Pump

This month Christian Devotions published my submission on priming the pump!

I grew up in a rural community in South Carolina. One of my favorite parts of the week was visiting my paternal grandfather after church. Mom and I would leave church on a hot Sunday afternoon after hours of Sunday school and worship and drive down a long dirt road toward my granddad’s house. My grandfather often sat on his porch, sometimes entertaining other men from the neighborhood. In my Sunday best, consisting of some sort of frilly dress, lace socks, and shiny patent leather shoes, I’d sit with my grandad and chat about my week. Every so often, I’d venture out back to his old pump. My dad had taught me how to prime the pump if I ever wanted water. The key was that the previous person who got water had to leave some water in the cup. That way, the next person could pour a little water in to get more water out. Read the full post here.

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