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7 year … CALM: Finding Peace after Prolonged Uncertainty

Photo by Elin Melaas on Unsplash

Photo by Elin Melaas on Unsplash

I’ve heard people reference the “7-year itch” in response to the angst some couples face during their 7th year of marriage. While I can’t relate to that feeling or notion, I wondered what my 7th year with my employer and in the city I moved to seemingly ions ago would bring.

I wondered if I’d feel ready to shift – as I most definitely did at the end of my 6th year in academia. I wondered if my longings for a different type of community would deepen and lead me to explore living in another city. I wondered if some amazingly wonderful and unexpected life event would alter my life altogether and I’d end up who-knows-where with who-knows-whom.

Surprisingly. Magically. Gracefully. My 7th year both in academia and my city of residence welcomed great … CALM.

My life is COMPLETELY different than I expected. My circle is much, much smaller. Thanks to E2M and a host of other life events, my day-to-day activities are different. Entertainment looks different to and for me than just a few months ago. My connections to work are different. My thoughts about leisure are different. My home is different and ever evolving as I continue to engage in new home improvement and gardening projects. My life is richer, deeper, more intentional, and I am grateful.

This season feels calm to me – like I have found my groove. I have my favorite walking trails and instructors at the gym. I have specialists for the things I love, including massage, acupuncture, hair maintenance and chiropractic care. I now have my favorite local coffee shops and bookstore meet-up locations.

I feel at ease with my commute to work. I know which city to fly out of should I choose a direct flight not offered locally and to any desired destination. I have my select shopping locations, both here and within proximity. And on the now rare occasion when I want to dine out, I know where my go-tos are.

After so many shifts and uncertainty and changes during my time in grad school and LIFE after leaving my hometown many, many years ago, it feels GOOD to have a sense of welcomed calm. It feels good to embrace the notion of home. It feels good to settle in, dig deeper and allow this season of life to completely engulf me in care, love, freedom, expansiveness, clarity, growth, VISION, purpose, and peace.

For these and so many other blessings, I do give thanks.

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