The Art of Hosting
It has been exactly two weeks since I hosted one of my favorite big cousins and one of my favorite little cousins :-). Their time with me in my home was their first visit to my little town - I
These Things I Learned in 2019
I can only recall one other year - 2012 - when I had such drastic and dramatic change within 12 months so it should go without saying: 2019 is one for the books. If you’ve been following my posts, you
The Prayer Process
When I was a child, my mom taught me to pray the “Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray to the Lord my soul you keep …” prayer. I imagine that I didn’t learn the “Our Father’s Prayer”
The Gift
I CANNOT believe it is May already! Where has time gone? It seems unreal that I have been abroad for 3 and a half months. So much has happened! Sidebar: I find it both fascinating and frightening that more transformation
How My Friends Taught Me to Be Flaky as F*(! … and I LOVE It!
I opened my first email account when I was a freshman in college and didn’t start texting until nearly a decade later. I grew up in a rural town so no one used RSVPs – you just stopped by, showed
Re-Blog: When A Sanctuary Isn’t Safe: Commentary on the Charleston Church Shooting
Thursday, June 18th marked the 3-year anniversary of my blog! I wanted to write a celebratory post; reflect on the experience of blogging consistently for 3 years; write about how refreshing and renewing this has been. But instead, I was
At the Same D*&! Time
It’s funny how words of wisdom seem to crawl out from out secret spaces as we move through adulthood. I often find myself thinking of things my mom, aunts, close friends and other family members shared with me while growing
Re-Blog: When Mother’s Day Is Not Necessarily Happy … 7 Women Share Their Experiences
A few different narratives on Mother's Day: When Mother's Day Is Not Necessarily Happy
Repost: An open letter to pastors (A non-mom speaks about Mother’s Day)
This is a re-post from: Time-Warp Wife. As we prepare for Mother's Day and the celebration of all the ways in which many women mother, I hope we also remain sensitive to those who have lost their moms and mother