Reflections on My Academic Year of No: Better than I Imagined
To that end, it has been helpful to discern who needed an explanation, a response or nothing at all. It completely baffles me and is quite heartbreaking that I don’t hear from folks for months - sometimes years - but
7 Resources Helping Me Refocus My Life: What I’m listening to & what I’m reading
What are you listening to? What are you reading! And if you decide to - or already have - check out anything from my list, please let me know.
reBUILD: 7 Ways I Am Embracing a New Chapter
After deep reflection on 2023 and 2022, I realized I’d slipped back into some old and unhealthy habits. Seeking joy, happiness and pleasure outside myself. Eating and drinking my way through my feelings. Moving less and embracing a sedentary lifestyle
Say Her Name: Dr. Antoinette Candia-Bailey – Black Women Be Well!
What are YOU doing to remain well? Are there practices you need to pick up again? New ones you can establish? Are there people, places and/or things that no longer deserve your time or energy? In what ways can you
THE Best Investment I Made: My Journey with E2M
As someone who has done Weight Watchers (multiple times), six-week challenges, fitness accountability groups, bootcamps, AND private nutritional counseling, I have NEVER experienced a program as comprehensive as E2M. The community is UNMATCHED. The workouts are realistic, yet challenging. The
2023: The Year that (Re)Introduced Being Well …
I end this year feeling better than I’ve felt in a LONG time. My circle is MUCH smaller and I have a sticky feeling the purge is not over. But my heart is happy. My body feels healthy. My mind
Tiny Little Things and BIG Big Things: Fall Gratitude Post
There is a lot that has happened since August BUT I am grateful. As the temperatures cool, I am pausing to share just a few things I am grateful for this fall. This is also my invitation to YOU -
Post-Birthday Reflections: 40 Something and Beyond
I’ve learned A LOT through these 40-something years of life. I’m grateful that I’ve loved so much more than I’ve lost. I’m so incredibly thankful for the people in my life at this exact moment and extend gratitude to those
In the Stillness: Thoughts on Coming Home to Me
These moments - moments of waiting and longing and uncertainty - can feel so painful in the present. Yet, I know they are necessary. They stretch me. They push me to new heights. I am grateful.
March Love Notes Part I: 5 Ways to Know When Something (or Someone) Isn’t for You?
WHAT is keeping me here? If you’re like me, it can be quite confusing and even disheartening to see a situation, agreement, commitment working for so many others but not working for you. When this happens, I often ask what