What Does It Mean to Not Go Back: My Reflections on SEEK25
40 days. No social media. No unnecessary text messages or phone calls. An enforced budget and restricted spending. A gradual progression to a plant-based diet and no coffee, added sugar or preservatives.
The reBUILD: Thoughts on 2024 being the Year of Me and More
2024 was my year of the rebuild. 2025 is my year of discipline – more on this later. But in the meantime, what was your theme for 2024? And what – if any – are your thoughts on a theme
What a Difference A Year Makes: Celebrating my WELLNESS-versary
Never in one million years did I imagine investing in my physical health in such a devoted manner would yield so many other benefits in EVERY other area of my life.
Style Series Part II: Dear Momma
Take up space. Make a statement. Be bold. Be you. Show up. Show off, should you desire. You ARE loved. You ARE light. To my momma and Black mommas everywhere, I love you. I see you. I appreciate you.
7 year … CALM: Finding Peace after Prolonged Uncertainty
My life is COMPLETELY different than I expected. My circle is much, much smaller. Thanks to E2M and a host of other life events, my day-to-day activities are different. Entertainment looks different to and for me than just a few
Better than I Ever Imagined II: DEEPER still!
It has been 10 months since I started the journey and 7 months of E2M. I often tell people that my new habits are on rinse and repeat. My morning rituals of prayer, meditation and reading are nonnegotiable. My morning
Reflections on My Academic Year of No: Better than I Imagined
To that end, it has been helpful to discern who needed an explanation, a response or nothing at all. It completely baffles me and is quite heartbreaking that I don’t hear from folks for months - sometimes years - but
Say Her Name: Dr. Antoinette Candia-Bailey – Black Women Be Well!
What are YOU doing to remain well? Are there practices you need to pick up again? New ones you can establish? Are there people, places and/or things that no longer deserve your time or energy? In what ways can you
THE Best Investment I Made: My Journey with E2M
As someone who has done Weight Watchers (multiple times), six-week challenges, fitness accountability groups, bootcamps, AND private nutritional counseling, I have NEVER experienced a program as comprehensive as E2M. The community is UNMATCHED. The workouts are realistic, yet challenging. The
2023: The Year that (Re)Introduced Being Well …
I end this year feeling better than I’ve felt in a LONG time. My circle is MUCH smaller and I have a sticky feeling the purge is not over. But my heart is happy. My body feels healthy. My mind