Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

As I Reflect on the Year …

When I initially planned this blog post, I intended to reflect on the highlights of this year. It didn’t take long to realize I didn’t want to write about that, nor did I think you’d benefit most from it. However, if you’re inclined to know what I’ve been up to this year, you can read more on my events page, Facebook page, or Instagram feed. What is most intentional for me and hopefully, most helpful to you, is to spend some time reflecting on the flurry of emotions and seasons I experienced this year; how my year is ending; and my dreams for the year ahead.

I shared a lot with you all this year (and thank you for reading). I wrote about boundaries and joy and plants and breathwork. I wrote about my silent retreat and faith and celebrations and honoring seasons. I wrote for my heart. I wrote to you. I wrote to heal. I wrote to grieve. I wrote to share.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

And I spoke! My goal for the year was ONE invited and paid speaking event per quarter. I exceeded this goal beyond my wildest dreams, including speaking on two international panels, being our university’s fall convocation speaker, and co-hosting TWO podcasts.

I wanted to be intentional about 2021. I wanted to establish and grow my brand. I wanted to do things that made my heart smile, as well as utilize my gifts and talents. I did – again, beyond my imagination.

But I lost something along the way. I lost laughter. I lost the art of play. I lost my engagement in fun for pleasure’s sake. In all of my intentional living and serving and giving and writing and speaking, I lost a little of my joy and a lot of the child in me.

I’m so grateful – as my elders would say – “Trouble don’t last always.” By October, things were shifting drastically in my life. My heart was reopening and softening. I was laughing more and making time for pleasure. I was leaving ample room for fun and play and simplicity. Pieces of my life I didn’t even realize were void were slowly reemerging and in many cases, overflowing.

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

This is how I end the year. Next week I log off for an extended vacation. I look forward to the time away and I also look forward to more of the same in 2022. The pandemic is still here. Our healthcare workers are still burdened with sick and dying patients. Injustice prevails. There is and always will be more work to be done. AND love persists. Happiness calls our name. Joy can be our default home. I welcome all of this. I embrace it. I hold it close to my heart.

THANK YOU 2021 for all of your love and care. Thank you for closed doors and seasonal relationships. Thank you for new connections and meaningful opportunities. Thank you for love and healing and joy and pleasure and fun and laughter. Thank you for unexpected blessings in the most unanticipated ways. Thank you 2021 for giving back to me so much of what I thought I lost and so much more than I could have imagined. For these and so many other blessings, I give thanks.

Happy New Year!


  • January 26, 2022

    I look so forward to witnessing as you regain all of the things you’ve lost. Run in pursuit of laughter, peace, JOY and all the things that fill your cup! Open yourself to unlimited possibilities! Remember we make plans and God laughs!

  • December 18, 2021
    Anka Roberto

    Love this! I just finished leading a small group on choosing Joy, I’ve felt the same sentiments this last 6 months. Thanks for sharing your heart with us! I will do continue to pray for you and for laughter and joy to fill your heart and mind! With care


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