Celebrate Wins

It Happened: 4th Quarter Wins!

It was tempting to postpone the site launch until next year. But I am learning all about 4th quarter wins and not discounting the time we have before us. I want to encourage you to do the same. What is on your heart in this season? What dream have you continued to dismiss because of fear, lack of time, lack of discipline, or a lack of resources? Here are a few things to consider:

Grieve the losses.

2020 has been A LOT. We’ve lost a lot. Family. Friends. Loved ones. Jobs. Income. Community. And some of us lost faith, as well as hope – if even temporarily. I am not a fan of glossing over these deep hurts and pains. Grieve the losses. Acknowledge the pain.

Express. I like writing letters to loved ones as a way to express the things I may have missed an opportunity to share.

Release. It helped me to let go of what I thought 2020 would be and embrace what it is.

Honor. When people ask how I am doing, I learned to be honest. Saying something as simple as “Today was hard” allowed me to remain authentic and honor what I was feeling.

Assess the opportunity.

As painful we 2020 has been, there is still opportunity. Many have capitalized unfairly on the marginalized and disenfranchised. But others have used this year to spark creativity and innovation that can benefit those in need. I believe you can too! Don’t wait. Don’t delay. What is one faithful step you can take today toward making your dream a reality?

Learn. Attending a few virtual conferences sparked a new level of creativity within me.

Engage. Engaging in communities of like-minded people helped me to embrace my insecurities and learn from their wins.

Do It! If you’re anything like me, you want everything to be lined up before you step out. Just do it! Yes, be thorough. Yes, craft with diligence but know once you create, you can refine and revise.

Give thanks.

Can we end this year with a heart of gratitude? Despite the pain, suffering, and anguish, can we find just a few things to be grateful for? I am grateful for you. I am grateful for my family and friends. I’m grateful for community. I am grateful for my faith walk and relationship with Christ. I am grateful for how 2020 pushed me beyond my comfort zone to do a new thing. And yes, I am grateful – as well as expectant – for what 2021 will bring.

Count your blessings. Even during an extremely challenging year, if you are reading this post you have something to be grateful for. Sight. Internet access. A phone and/or computer. A desire to learn.

Give to others. Giving is not limited to monetary offerings. How can we give our time, attention, a prayer, love, or an encouraging word to another?

Steward your gifts. We have plenty and are called to steward our time, our talents, and our tenth well. Steward well all God has granted to you.


  • January 19, 2021

    What an honest, uplifting space on the internet!

  • December 11, 2020

    I love the site! This passage spoke volumes to me: “Release. It helped me to let go of what I thought 2020 would be and embrace what it is.”

    Thank you so much for summing up how many are feeling at this moment.

  • December 10, 2020

    Beautiful site and great message. Definitely staying in the place of gratitude into the new year. There are sooo many lessons I’ve learned.

  • December 8, 2020

    Amazing!!! Your website looks great! Congratulations🥳

  • December 8, 2020

    I love this! Praise God for the 4th quarter wins!! This is so relevant in this season of my life. Thank you Sabrina!

  • December 7, 2020

    This article was very encouraging! We should definitely find things to be grateful for during this time and especially as we usher in a new year. Thanks for sharing!

  • December 5, 2020


  • December 4, 2020

    An awesome morning read! God bless you.


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