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This Is Not What I Expected It To Be!

Happy New Year! Up until about a week ago, I felt 100% sure what my one word for 2021 would be. I had it etched in my memory and had even drafted a corresponding blog post. But as I thought more, prayed more, waited more, I realized although I need – and we all need – the one word I’d originally chosen, it isn’t my one word for the year. Completing my personal retreat helped to solidify that I needed to dig a bit deeper to identify my true one word for the upcoming season. 

I thought my one word would be rest. How fitting! 2020 was a lot for most of us and instead of starting the year with the hustle and bustle of new goals, new resolutions, and new ventures, why not embrace a lifestyle of consistent rest? For a person who works Monday – Friday or five days a week, this amounts to about 260 work days each year. Let’s say your employer is generous enough to offer two weeks of paid vacation and you get an additional 10 or so days of federal holidays. That leaves us with about 240 work days or 48 weeks of work. How can four weeks of rest properly restore us for 240 days of work? You’re right, it can’t. And even if you don’t work a traditional job, how often do you take time for consistent periods of rest beyond a once or twice a year vacation?

We can cultivate lives of rest – or Sabbath. This may look like spending an hour or so each evening watching your favorite show, spending time with family, or reading a book. Perhaps it looks like turning your phone alerts off and limiting social media for a few hours a day. Maybe you completely unplug one day a week and allow time for worship, prayer, reflection, and planning for the week ahead. Or even better, what if you carved out one weekend a month with no recreational activities, no practices to shuffle the kids to and from, or no commitments with girlfriends. Just time to be still. To rest. 

No matter what your stillness looks like, I can assure you we need more than two weeks per year of it. As we begin the year can you make room to cultivate a little more stillness and a lot more rest?

Oh, one last thing. My one word for the year is: WAIT. Even more fitting for me :-). My anchoring verse is Isaiah 40:31: But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. While my one word is “wait” I will still choose to rest, often and for longer periods. Will you join me?

Have you chosen a one word for 2021? If so, spill the beans and post your one word in the comments section below


  • January 19, 2021

    I always enjoy your stories on Instagram! Thank you for all your encouraging posts; I love the prayers you have on there. 💗
    Thank you so much for the reminder to rest. Sometimes I get anxious about things and try to stay distracted and what I truly need to do is to rest and refocus on God. I also love your word for the year, wait. My word for the year is Joy. ❤️

  • January 18, 2021

    I definitely need the reminder to rest. Thank you for that! My word is “release” — specifically, things and people that are taking my focus on who He wants me to be.

  • January 17, 2021
    Anka Roberto

    Confidence … Confidence in the Lord to do all the things in and through me and Confidence in myself to know I am enough… Thank you for all you are to do many!

  • January 11, 2021

    I am going with two words, as you shared “rest” and “wait.” My two words are “surrender” and “believe.” I choose to surrender my will for God’s because His way is the BEST way. I choose believe that ALL things are possible with and through Him. I believe that God has the best plans for my life and future even though sometimes I get in the way and think that I know what is best.

    • January 12, 2021
      Denise Guinn

      I am still pondering and prating about my word this year. One thing I have learned this past year is that rest is not simply taking a nap. We must enter in God’s rest. As in stillness rather than busyness.

  • January 7, 2021
    Lisa Marcelina

    Hey Sabrina! My word for the year is JOY, but I can relate to the word rest. Where I work I get 35 days paid vacation a year, and I totally take advantage!

  • January 7, 2021

    My word for 2021 is continue…!

  • January 7, 2021
    Peggy Pulvermacher

    I feel like I am always rushing both myself and God. Thank you for the reminder to rest and wait!

  • January 3, 2021

    Yes! I didn’t know this “word of the year” was a thing! I like it! What a great word. REST! Yes! God knows I will be doing much more of this as well. Moment of stillness are essential at this point in my life. It’s fuel for our whole body.

  • January 1, 2021
    Ayanna Robinson

    “Wait” how powerful and fitting. Thank you for this post, Sabrina! Happy New Year!


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